Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Perfect First Day!!

Happy New Year!! Today is the first day of 2008 and also the first day of World Yoga Practice Month. It was started by Yogamum and the goal is to practice yoga every day for the month of January.

What a perfect “prescription” to start the year off in a positive, healthy, life enhancing way. So check it out and join the every growing community of yogis that are practicing, learning, and sharing their yoga experiences.

My intentions for the month go beyond my regular daily home practice, and will include all eight limbs of yoga. Also, I have been trying to get my husband interested in yoga for quite some time. So now is a good time to try a partner yoga practice….more to come on that subject in the coming days.

Today I had 2 nice surprises to kick off my “Month of Yoga “. First, my husband agreed to try yoga for the month of January. Then my granddaughter Brittany called and asked to come and practice yoga with me. She is home for Christmas vacation after completing her first semester of college at the University of Limerick, Ireland.

So after introducing my husband to a few stretches, Brittany and I practiced to one of Baron Baptiste’s DVDs. Then we had a relaxing pot of Irish Breakfast Tea.

A perfect first day !

I wish you peace, love and laughter
Gypsy Girl

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