Friday, March 28, 2008

A Woman in Mexican History

We took a drive to Querétero. The one hour drive through fertile hills and fields with mountains in the background was worth the trip.
Querétero is much larger than San Miguel de Allende. It is a great city for exploringWith its wide pedestrian ways beautiful fountains, sprawling plazas, impressive churches

An impressive aqueduct from the 1700‘s, nearly a mile long with 74 arches that still provides water to the city.

The beautiful jacarandas are in full bloom all over this part of Mexico. The flowers fill the sky like soft clouds of purple.

The monument to Doña Josefa Ortíz de Domíngez was my favorite sight. She was the wife of the mayor. She was a mover and a shaker who played a big part in the independence of Mexico.
She secretly plotted at candlelight meetings, under the guise of a literary club with the patriots in their fight for independence from the Spanish crown.

It is said that her husband became suspicious of her activities, so he imprisoned her under lock and key in her room. But Dona Josefa dramatically rescued the overthrow plan by tapping her heel on the floor and got the attention of her faithful servant, whispering through a keyhole she told him that the plan to overthrow the government had been found out. The servant immediately stole away on horseback and rode through the night to inform the revolutionaries. The rest as they say is history.

Another great day in Mexico!
Gypsy Girl


Everyday Yogini said...

What lovely photos!! It sounds like you are having an amazing time!

Gypsy Girl said...

Hi everyday yogini, we are having a terrific time, descovering new things each day. I am in love with Mexico!!!